Meet me!

Hi, I’m Moenia, a creative freelancer who thrives on turning ideas into reality, bringing a dash of magic to every project I take on. With owning a business for several years, I've developed a unique perspective that allows me to approach projects with a fresh and innovative mindset.

Let’s just say that my brain is a melting pot of creativity, always bubbling with fresh concepts and out-of-the-box solutions! Want to know more?

content creation  
creative direction       website & ux design      (social media) marketing

Client List

  • Armed Angels, Stad Antwerpen, JEZ!, Jobat, Live Light, Organic Basics, BOSH, UNDO, Kringwinkel, Uniqlo, Sodexo, Swapfiets, Engie, Brabantia, Technopolis, The Barn, River Clean Up, Oxfam, Guud, Europese Commissie, Acerta, Syntra, …

  • Ecossentials, Ciget, Ditte Somers, Studio Stoffels, MUCE, Chrostin, Morane Miangue, Youniss

  • Ecossentials, Lauri JWLRY, Ditte Somers, Elise Deubel, Mellunman, Velusta